


学历和职称:博士 讲师


09/2020-10/2023   香港中文大学    运动科学与体育教育    博士

09/2017-11/2018   香港中文大学    信息技术管理          硕士

09/2010-06/2012   华南师范大学    运动训练              硕士

09/2006-06/2010   华南师范大学    传播学 & 教育学       本科



学术兼职:华人身体素养学会 执委会成员





  1. Gao, T. Y., Huang, F. H., Liu, T., Sum, R. K. W., De Liu, J., Tang, D., ... & Ma, R. S.* (2024). The role of physical literacy and mindfulness on health-related quality of life among college students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Scientific Reports14(1), 237.

  2. Di, T., Sum, K. W., & Ma, R. S. (2024). 444 EP051–Beyond the screen: do esports players really have more musculoskeletal problems? British Journal of Sports Medicine.

  3. She, X., Gao, T. Y., Ma, R. S.*, Tang, D., Zhong, H. & Dong, H. L. (2023).Relationship among positive self-esteem, physical literacy, and physical activity in college students: A study of a mediation model. Frontiers in Psychology, 14.

  4. Ma, R. S., Ng, S. I., Lee, T., Yang, Y. J., & Sum, R. K. W.* (2022). Validation of a Speech Database for Assessing College Students’ Physical Competence under the Concept of Physical Literacy. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health19(12), 7046

  5. Ma, R. S., Liu, T.*, Raymond Sum, K. W., Gao, T., Li, M., Choi, S. M., ... & Xiang, W. (2021). Relationship Among Physical Literacy, Mental Health, and Resilience in College Students. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2247

  6. Ma, R. S., Sum, R. K. W., Li, M. H., Huang, Y., & Niu, X. L. (2020). Association between physical literacy and physical activity: a multilevel analysis study among chinese undergraduates. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health17(21), 7874.

  7. Ma, R. S., Sum, R. K.*, Hu, Y. N., & Gao, T. Y. (2020). Assessing factor structure of the simplified Chinese version of Perceived Physical Literacy Instrument for undergraduates in Mainland China. Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness18(2), 68-73.

  8. Li, M. H., Kaioglou, V., Ma, R. S., Choi, S. M., Venetsanou, F., & Sum, R. K. W.* (2022). Exploring physical literacy in children aged 8 to 12 years old: a cross-cultural comparison between China and Greece. BMC Public Health22(1), 1-11.

  9. Li, M. H., Whitehead, M., Green, N., Ren, H., Cheng, C. F., Lin, L. L. C., …Ma, R. S., ... & Sum, R. K. W. (2022). Operationally defining physical literacy in Chinese culture: results of a meta-narrative synthesis and the Panel's recommendations. Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness20(3), 236-248.

  10. Ng, S. I.*, Ma, R. S., Lee, T., & Sum, R. K. W. (2021). Acoustical Analysis of Speech Under Physical Stress in Relation to Physical Activities and Physical Literacy. Speech Prosody 2022

  11. Zhang, C., Liu, Y., Xu, S., Sum, R. K. W., Ma, R. S., Zhong, P., ... & Li, M.* (2022). Exploring the Level of Physical Fitness on Physical Activity and Physical Literacy Among Chinese University Students: A Cross-Sectional Study. Frontiers in Psychology, 900.

  12. Sum, K. W. R.*, Li, M. H., Choi, S. M., Huang, Y., & Ma, R. S. (2020). In/visible physical education and the public health agenda of physical literacy development in Hong Kong. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health17(9), 3304.




2021广东省哲学社会科学基金《基于人工智能语音分析的青少年身体状态智能评估方法研究》 (主持)

2021广州市哲学社会科学基金《“十四五”期间广州市大型体育场馆高质量建设与运营的战略研究》 (第一参与人)

2024 广东省基础与应用基础研究基金《基于CORE框架的乳腺蒽环类化疗相关心脏毒性的预测模型构建及早期预防干预模式探索》 (第一参与人)

2024 广东省哲学社会科学基金《青年女性癌症患者-配偶双视角下的家庭功能与生育忧虑研究》 (第二参与人)


  1. 太阳集团城官网双百英才

  2. 第九届全国大学生运动会男子篮球             亚军;


