Antivirus Software Review – Best Antivirus Softwares Reviews

Computer virus infections are on the rise. They affect both business and home computers, and they can take all sorts of different forms. Antivirus software can help to keep your computer safe from viruses. Check out this review for information about what antivirus software does and how you can protect yourself.

In this review, we have put together a concise guide of what antivirus software is, how they operate, what type of antivirus software is available, and a few FAQs. We even concluded a table with the best products for them, based on many customers’ opinions and reports.

Best Antivirus Softwares in Comparison

  • Rating
  • Platforms Supported
    Platforms Supported
  • Devices
  • Subscription
  • Download Time
    Download Time
  • VPN
  • Security for kids
    Security for kids
  • Manufacturer
  • Special features
    Special features
  • Very Easy to Use
    Very Easy to Use
  • Best protection
    Best protection
BullGuard Internet Security 2021
  • Rating



  • Platforms Supported
    Win, Mac, Android
  • Devices
  • Subscription
    1 year
  • Download Time
    Under 1 minute
  • VPN
  • Security for kids
    Parental Control
  • Manufacturer
  • Special features
    Dynamic Machine Learning
    Game Booster
  • Very Easy to Use
  • Best protection
2. place
  • Rating



  • Platforms Supported
  • Devices
  • Subscription
    1 year
  • Download Time
    30 sec.
  • VPN
  • Security for kids
  • Manufacturer
  • Special features
    Detect & block viruses in real time
    Block annoying ads
  • Very Easy to Use
  • Best protection
3. place
Defencebyte Anti Ransomware
  • Rating



  • Platforms Supported
    Windows 10, 8/8.1, 7, Vista & XP
  • Devices
  • Subscription
    1 year
  • Download Time
    Under 1 minute
  • VPN
  • Security for kids
  • Manufacturer
  • Special features
    The interface is quite simple and clean
    Assure automatic and on-time update
  • Very Easy to Use
  • Best protection

What is an Antivirus Software?

What is an Antivirus Software?Antivirus software is a program that helps to protect your computer from harmful viruses. These viruses are spread through email attachments, websites, file-sharing services, and even floppy disks. If your computer has antivirus software installed on the hard drive, then it will keep you safe from most viruses. The antivirus software scans all incoming files and emails for signs of infection and then takes steps to eliminate the infected files before they can cause any harm. In this way, antivirus software acts like a shield that protects your computer at all times.

If you use a computer, then you most likely use it to surf the Internet and send and receive email. However, these are just two of the many ways that viruses are spread. Word documents can be infected with a virus to spread through email attachments. This means that if you download an attachment from an email from someone you don’t know personally, there is a possibility that it might contain a virus. Even if the attachment doesn’t look malicious, there is always a possibility that it contains some type of attack on your system. If your computer becomes infected with this virus, then your operating system might become scanned for errors. Periodically, your operating system will display a screen that shows you all the errors it has found. On this screen, you will see a list of all the errors listed alphabetically.

Antivirus Software and how they are used

Every computer and mobile device has something called antivirus software. Antivirus programs are designed to scan all of the data on your machine, searching for changes or files that may have been altered or infected with malware.

When a program from antivirus software finds a file that might be problematic, it will alert you and your computer will promptly open the file in question to see if it’s infected or not.

Antivirus software is widely considered one of the most important pieces in any PC user’s arsenal, whether they use it often or only occasionally. Not using one is almost like playing Russian Roulette with the safety of your computer – you never know if you’re safe until you try.


  • It allows you to keep your computer or smartphone safe from any potential, unknown viruses that may otherwise pose a threat to your device’s security and data.
  • When you install an antivirus program, the software connects to the Internet daily in order for the company making it to find out if there are any new viruses being created.


  • Being infected by a virus will mean that you will never know when one has been found by the software as it only works for a certain period of time usually thirty days.
  • Many viruses are out there on the Internet that goes unseen until they invade your computer in some way.
  • Many anti-virus programs will not allow you to run a certain program unless it is scanned.

Types of Antivirus Software

Antivirus software is meant to protect a computer from viruses and other malicious programs. It may be a stand-alone application or an integrated part of the operating system. They are able to detect and remove viruses before the damage is done, like where they infect files or the information on your hard drive. There are different types of antivirus software that will work for different users depending on their needs. There are also various types of malware protection that will help prevent cyberattacks against you or other vulnerabilities in your computer hardware and software.

There are many different types of antivirus software that range from simple standalone programs to complete suites with other useful features and tools.

  • Types of Antivirus SoftwareA stand-alone antivirus program is one that does not come in any other software package or is compatible with any other software. While it may be beneficial for somebody who wants their computer to adhere to a well-known brand name, they should know that these are usually more expensive and may not have the features of another package that can be customized to your needs.
  • The second type of antivirus program is one that is sold in a package or suite with many other programs. This is a great benefit for people who want an easy-to-use program that will facilitate their computer use and help their productivity. They can get an antivirus and many other useful extras all in the same package.
  • The third type of antivirus program is one that comes with many more programs in the package. This is beneficial for people who have a lot of different software and want to free up space on their hard drives. These programs, such as Norton AV, are offered in different types, including the Norton Toolbar that you can easily add to your browser for added security on the Web.
  • The fourth type of antivirus is the one that may come with your operating system. Most programs, like Microsoft’s Windows Defender, are not too difficult to learn how to use and will provide some basic protection for your PC. These are great for people who do not want all the hassle of download and installation procedures of other packages.
  • The fifth type of antivirus is one that is free. Free antivirus software may be difficult to find because many programs that claim to be free have added costs by forcing you to subscribe or upgrade their products. However, a few programs like AVG Free offer a free version that will scan and clean your computer of major viruses without any cost at all.
  • The last type of antivirus program is self-compiled. This is very much like a virus, but it does not come in the form of a program. What it does is download a virus and rewrites your hard drive to make it look like a virus has been there.
    Most people consider this to be completely illegal, but when used properly, this could help you by detecting some viruses before they are allowed to create damage on your computer.

This is what we check in an Antivirus Software review

The following are some of the most common features we have reviewed that good antivirus software programs should have:


This is what we check in an Antivirus Software reviewIf you only want to use your computer for work and play, then you don’t need as much protection as if you are an online gamer or a music or video creator. You can choose to have a very strong antivirus program that does everything from keeping your computer safe from hackers to checking every file before it is allowed on the hard drive. However, if you want to install maybe just one antivirus software that deals with all three of these tasks, then this choice will give you more options as well.

Ease of use

With hundreds of antivirus programs available on the market today, it is easier than ever to find one that will do everything you need it to. You should be able to download and install your antivirus software in less than a few minutes. Once you have set up your security system, then you can use it to scan every file before allowing it on your computer. Some antivirus software also scans incoming emails for viruses, too.


If you are using a Mac OS X or Linux operating system, then you probably will want an antivirus program that is compatible with these systems. Some antivirus programs even offer compatibility with smartphones and other mobile devices, as well. Antivirus software should be easy to install and use on all of your devices.


Computer viruses are always changing and evolving. In order to keep your computer safe, you need to make sure that your security system is always current with the latest updates so that you are protected from the newest threats. Some antivirus software programs automatically update themselves, but it’s a good idea to check for new versions of any software from time to time if you can’t afford constant updates for the program.

Buying the Best antivirus software

Buying the Best antivirus softwareAntivirus software is a good way to protect your computer from viruses and spyware, but it isn’t completely secure from these threats. You’ll need to be proactive in scanning Windows-based computers manually with an antivirus program when you suspect a new virus may have been installed on the machine.

There are many options when you’re shopping for antivirus software. You have to consider your needs, your budget, and the security level you’re looking for. Some antivirus programs cost as little as twenty bucks, so it’s important to know what features make them worthwhile.

To complement the antivirus software on your computer, you should also get a second copy of it. Many security experts recommend having two antivirus programs running at all times. The first one scans incoming files and emails for signs of infection, while the second one protects against known viruses. This helps to ensure that your computer isn’t compromised by a current threat that hasn’t been detected yet.


This is probably the least likely place for you to buy Antivirus software, but there are stores that still sell antivirus software to customers. If you wind up being one of them, these tips are the best for you.

  • Be prepared on what software and features you want to buy
  • Ask the responsible person to guide you through the process
  • Go for software with a free trial. This helps you in case the software is not up to your standard.


Now for those who do not have a store nearby that sells antivirus software or are lazy enough to make the trip, online shopping is another best place to shop for antivirus software. In comparison, this review article will give you tips when buying online.

  • Search for the top and most used software
  • Look for reviews and ratings to have a better understanding of the product.
  • Filter by rankings, budget, feature, or pick.

FAQ about the best Antivirus software

What antivirus software does apple use?

FAQ about the best Antivirus softwareApple has a very successful security tool in their OSX operating system that notifies the user of any security threats, which plays an important role in keeping your computer safe. But Apple’s products have never been without a vulnerability; even the most carefully designed and developed product can have some flaws. As such, there is an ever-present need for antivirus software, but Apple provides little to no information about what type of antivirus they use or who made it.

It appears that Apple may have been using the Bitdefender antivirus software for their Mac computers, as it has been discovered that this software was installed on those computers during the manufacturing process. However, there has also been some controversy over whether or not Bitdefender should be considered an antivirus software. In comparison, some sources claim that it is not, and actually just a firewall program designed to protect your computer from any intruders. Most companies only provide a firewall and basic malware protection in their products, but since Apple provides no information about what their security software is or who developed it, we can only wonder if they still use Bitdefender.

What antivirus software companies are providing the most security?

Apple is not the only company that does not disclose information about its security program; many other companies have also gone this route. Some of the more popular antivirus software companies such as McAfee don’t even disclose who they are or if they develop their own products, and instead only list that they use a variety of “industry-leading tools.” Another popular antivirus software company, Norton, still does not disclose how they protect your computer from viruses and malware. Instead, all Norton does is provide a firewall that shuts down your internet connection if you try to access any suspicious website, as well as some basic malware protection. However, it appears that this is the best type of antivirus software; because if you want real protection, you should go with a company that actually discloses what their security program does or hires a third-party company to make it.

Which is the best antivirus software on the market?

For a long time, Avast was the most popular antivirus software in the Mac community. However today, people are getting more concerned about their online security because of all the hacking attacks in the past years and finally a new wave of ransomware like Cryptolocker and Cryptowall attacking Mac OS X users.

One of the top security companies that have been responsible for producing some of Apple’s most highly regarded security protection tools is McAfee. McAfee guarantees their prices are competitive and their competition is fierce, with many other antivirus companies.

Can antivirus software be hacked?

Can antivirus software be hacked?Computer viruses can be very devastating; they can delete important files and destroy an entire data set. And as computers become more and more powerful, the damage a computer virus can cause increases exponentially. As such, there is a constant need for antivirus software to protect us from these attacks. But how secure is antivirus software? Or are we simply relying on the saving grace of security researchers and hackers to keep it safe? Unfortunately, there have been cases of antivirus software being hacked.

Recently, one of Apple’s security features didn’t work as expected. The product that Apple uses to protect their computers from viruses was hacked by a group of university students from the University of Michigan. Because the antivirus software is not open source, no one knows for sure who made it and what type of vulnerability it had.

Will antivirus software affect my computer?

If you’re concerned about whether antivirus software will affect your computer, relax. Antivirus software is not a virus. The antivirus software does not attack any files. It scans all the files on your computer and looks for malware inside those files. When it finds malware, it sends an alert to you so that you can remove the malware and restore your computer to its original state.

To understand why this is important, think of what happens when a file contains malicious code. The malicious code takes control of your computer to destroy all the other files on your hard drive or delete critical system files so that no one can use the system again.

Is antivirus software safe?

To be safe, you need to have antivirus software installed on all your computers. For this reason, we recommend that all computers be connected to the internet and have antivirus software installed. To be doubly safe, you can also keep a backup of your system and files on a DVD, USB drive, or other removable media. This way, if your computer has malware, you can restore the computer to its original state.

Does all antivirus software work the same?

No, there are several different kinds of antivirus software. Some work by installing a file that checks the files on your computer for malware every time they are opened. Others scan your entire hard disk to look for malware and take care of any problems when it finds them.

While both kinds of antivirus software will protect you in the event that you run into malware, some programs will perform better than others.

Do I need antivirus software?

The short answer is yes, but there are some circumstances in which you may be able to get away without having it. If your computer is connected to the internet at home, then most likely you should always keep your computer protected by antivirus software. This is because malicious code can infect your computer from anywhere in the world.


Antivirus software is very important for the protection of your PC. Let us see how they work and how you should use them. A computer has two sets of instructions that control its functions – one set of instructions comes from its BIOS – the other set of instructions comes from applications running on it. The antivirus software contains a database that stores the names and addresses of known malware, with different levels of threats depending upon the virus’s prevalence. Common antivirus software will allow users to submit suspected files for identification by other users like them, or by professionals employed by the vendor, or both.
