Our rating criteria
These are our admission criteria for nomination in the comparison table
In principle, all of our visitors have the right and the option to understand our approach by reading a guide. In the following text, we will explain the criteria that must be observed when selecting our products.
First of all, we would like to point out that we do not conduct any tests of our own with the products, even if they are listed in our comparison tables. Our product tests are created by independent companies and trustworthy institutes, after which the advice texts are then created. We carefully select the products based on many criteria that ensure that they are high quality products, even though we do not conduct any tests ourselves.
1.) Our quality standard
When selecting any product, quality plays a very important role for us. Even without our own product test, we have options for checking that we use, and because of that we are able to offer you the best guide. For this purpose, first the research is checked, which is carried out carefully and intensively. The quality of the texts can be determined based on the product information provided and our own experience as consumers.
Our control also includes the exact listing of the structure and ingredients of the products. We also pay attention to whether products have been obtained from sustainable organic cultivation. These two aspects play an important role, especially in the creation of food and drugstore items. In order to determine the quality, we pay very close attention to the place of manufacture of the products.
Our products are preferably sourced from Switzerland and the EU so that we are able to ensure that the corresponding quality regulations are observed during their manufacture.
In our tests, we also use information from Öko-Test, the consumer advice center and Stiftung Warentest. This ensures that our comparison tables are always first class products of high quality.
2.) The research process
The verification of information can only be achieved through intensive research. Only then will the products be included in our comparison tables. We determine manufacturer information that is important to the customer. This includes packaging, width, weight and also the length of the respective products. In order to ensure a high-quality product test, we also refer to the information from institutes and trustworthy companies that deal with the wishes and well-being of consumers.
This enables us to provide you with insightful reports on the relevant products.
3.) Product tests by external sources
We always fall back on external information and product tests in order to be able to create a guide for you. We always make sure that the information comes from reputable institutes and companies. By using and analyzing this information, we are able to present you with high-quality products, which you can then find in our tables.
At this point, the results of consumer-oriented institutes such as Öko-Test, Stiftung Warentest and the consumer center are pivotal. We also include the results of the Federal Center for Nutrition in our guides.
4.) Reviews by customers
Since we do not conduct our own product tests, we also include the opinions and feedback of consumers in the guide. To do this, we use reviews and star ratings from customers. If we discover that the ratings are predominantly negative, they cannot be included in our tables.
5.) Experience
Since we are private consumers of some products, it is possible for us to fall back on our own experience, which is also taken into account when creating a guide. These are used to determine whether a product also has the properties promised by the manufacturer.
In this manner, we are able to determine whether the structure, quality and effectiveness really meet our own requirements. However, our own empirical value cannot replace the professional product tests that are carried out by institutes that then provide information about the test results.
6.) The manufacturers
Before we add a product to our tables, we also take a closer look at the manufacturers. There are brands that have years of experience and have been able to establish themselves on the market through quality. However, this is no guarantee that a manufacturer doesn’t also have lower quality products in its range.
That is why we also deal with manufacturers whose popularity level is lower, but they were able to impress the institutes with their quality. If the external reports and customer reviews are unanimous, they can be included in our table. Because if both factors are equally positive, that speaks for the quality of the respective products.
7.) Results through survey
Our website is a comparison portal, where you also have the option to take part in surveys free of charge in order to express your opinion on the respective products. This also applies to your satisfaction when reading our guides.
Therefore, at the end of the guide you will also have the opportunity to take part in the survey. In this case, the focus is primarily made on the manufacturers who are represented with their products in our comparison tables.
By regularly checking the obtained survey results, it is possible for us to determine which manufacturers were able to impress the customers with their quality. We then change the placement of the products in the comparison table accordingly.
8.) The price of the products
When we include products in our comparison tables, we pay special attention to the price-performance ratio. Because a high price does not automatically mean better quality. Often it is precisely the products in the middle price segment that impress customers more.
However, in order to provide you with comprehensive information, you will always find products from different price segments in our table. You have to make the final selection of the purchase yourself.
We use the categories “price-performance winner or best price” and “comparison winner or winner” to show you which products, in our opinion, have the best “price-performance ratio” and achieved a very good result overall.