Vitamin B12 Supplement Review – Best Vitamin B12 Supplements Reviews

Vitamin B12 is another important nutrient the body needs. It has many functions, including protecting our RNA and DNA, protect the nerve cells and brain cells, good for immunity, increase serotonin production, and many more.

Best Vitamin B12 Supplements Reviews

  • Rating
  • Manufacturer
  • Dosing
  • Format
  • Serving Size
    Serving Size
  • Main Ingredients
    Main Ingredients
  • Special features
    Special features
  • Lactose free
    Lactose free
  • Vegan
  • Gluten free
    Gluten free
Vitamin B12 1000mcg
  • Rating



  • Manufacturer
    Nu U Nutrition
  • Dosing
  • Format
  • Serving Size
    1 per Day
  • Main Ingredients
    Bulking agents (Dicalcium phosphate, Microcrystalline cellulose), Anti-caking agents (Silicon dioxide, Fatty acids), Tablet coating
  • Special features
    High quality ingredients
    Maximum Potency
  • Lactose free
  • Vegan
  • Gluten free
2. place
Vitamin B12 Tablets High
  • Rating



  • Manufacturer
  • Dosing
  • Format
  • Serving Size
    1 per Day
  • Main Ingredients
    Methylcobalamin B12 100% Pure, Microcrystalline Cellulose (MCC), HPMC (Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose), Magnesium Stearate
  • Special features
    Immune Booster
    Supports Energy Levels
    Easy to swallow
  • Lactose free
  • Vegan
  • Gluten free
3. place
Vegan Vitamin B12 Tablets
  • Rating



  • Manufacturer
  • Dosing
  • Format
  • Serving Size
    1 per Day
  • Main Ingredients
    Di-calcium phosphate, microcrystalline cellulose (plant-based), silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate
  • Special features
    High potency vegetaruin
    Environmentally friendly
    Maximum absorption
  • Lactose free
  • Vegan
  • Gluten free

What is Vitamin B12 Supplement?

There are two known forms of vitamin B12, one is methylcobalamin, and the other is cyanocobalamin. Cyanocobalamin is chemically synthesized and is the most common supplement of vitamin B12. Methylcobalamin, on the other hand, is animal-based and is a naturally occurring vitamin B12.

When we talk about Methylcobalamin, it means it has a methyl group that contains carbon and hydrogen and Cyanocobalamin has a cyanide molecule, but not the harmful amount that could be harmful to the body, however, even if it is just a minimal content, it still needs to be eliminated from the body.

Vitamin B12 Supplement and how they are used?

As every person needs their vitamin B12 and they often get it in their diet. It is a water-soluble vitamin and is fast-absorbed by the intestines. Methylcobalamin is the most obvious form of Vitamin B12 and can be easily absorbed by the body. It can remain in the body for a long period and therefore Methylcobalamin should be best taken by the body compared to Cyanocobalamin.

Vitamin B12 is used primarily in the liver, brain, and nervous system, plus it is an important nutrient for eyesight. Vitamin B12 supplements are used to add or replace the nutrient that is lacking in a body. Methylcobalamin ingredient is the most ideal supplement to be taken. Cyanocobalamin is more common as it is cheaper compared to Methylcobalamin content in Vitamin B12 supplements.


  • Vitamin B12 Supplement and how they are used?Helps in incrbeasing energy and vitality in your body. When a person is feeling sluggish and seems to lack energy, vitamin B12 supplements can boost your energy. The reason behind some sluggishness and weakness is lacking or unhealthy red blood cell formation that leads to people feeling tired and weak. With the help of a Vitamin B12 supplement, this is averted.
  • Vitamin B12 can promote heart health cause it reduces homocysteine, which is the protein that can build up in the blood that leads to damaged arterial walls. This is prevented with enough Vitamin B12 in the body.
  • Beneficial to the nervous system and removes annoying sensations to your extremities. Sometimes even a feeling of numbness and tingling sensation. Vitamin B12 helps in protecting the nerves that will stop this from happening.
  • Beneficial to the user since it will help give you a sense of balance if you have the right amount of Vitamin B12 in your body.
  • Getting the right Vitamin B12 supplement will also help prevent any oral issues that may include issues in swallowing, changes in taste, and swelling inside your oral cavity.
  • With the right amount of Vitamin B12 in the body, it prevents memory problems that are even linked to dementia.
  • Vitamin B12 supplements help give a healthy optic nerve to keep the eyesight perfect.
  • A healthy supplement of Vitamin B12 gives the user a healthy glow that gives their skin the right skin tone.


  • Some instances may cause a serious allergic reaction, such as tongue swelling, throat, and face swelling. Difficulty breathing and swallowing.
  • Some people may have a mild reaction to taking Vitamin B12 supplements where some experience palpitation, dizziness, and headache.
  • May have a serious reaction to Vitamin B12 supplements such as vomiting, pulmonary edema, and congestive heart failure.
  • A feeling of swelling and sensation of difficulty in breathing.
  • Vein thrombosis
  • Some may have interference with drugs that are used by some people and may contain vitamin C, H2 blockers, aminosalicylic acid, colchicine, metformin or proton pump inhibitors, and chloramphenicol.

What types of Vitamin B12 Supplements are there?

Let us discuss the four types of Vitamin B12 supplements that exist in the market.

Supplements that have methylcobalamin

What types of Vitamin B12 Supplements are there?This form of vitamin B12 supplements aid in your brain, liver, and health of your nervous system. This is the most active form in the body that helps in the cardiovascular system as well. It has a beneficial effect on your sleep, plus you will feel better after a night’s rest.
This type of vitamin B12 supplements will also help your body repair and recover during each sleep every night.

Hydroxocobalamin Vitamin B12 supplements

They say the most common form that you can easily get from what you eat and is created by natural bacteria. The Hydroxocobalamin also converts into methylcobalamin in the body and can be found in meat, fish, and egg. For those who are vegetarian, they should supplement well with Vitamin B12 in other forms so their body can keep up with the red blood cell formation the body needs.

Cyanocobalamin Supplements

This type is the most stable form of supplements. It has a longer shelf life and is the most affordable among the rest of Vitamin B12 supplements. Most local drug stores have this for sale. However, this form also contains cyanide in a very small dose. This little cyanide must be converted in your body and then should be excreted after.

Adenosylcobalamin supplements

Easily absorbed by the body. This is an important key to creating cellular energy that will help in protecting RNA and DNA. This form also helps to prevent early aging, weakness, and other causes of degenerative disease. Adenosylcobalamin, if used with methylcobalamin will be a highly effective formula that will be beneficial to the body.

This is what we check in Vitamin B12 Supplement Reviews

We already found out the benefits of taking vitamin B12 supplements that include prevention of anemia, support in bone health as well in preventing osteoporosis, helps in red blood cell formation, improve mood and helps relieve signs of depression, and so much more.
Here, we checked what materials they use in the manufacture of vitamin B12 supplement, how much does it cost, how long can it lasts or stay on your shelf, and if there is any cleaning needed.


This is what we check in Vitamin B12 Supplement ReviewsVitamin B12 supplements are water-soluble vitamins and can be in supplemental form if it is not coming from the food that you eat. A supplement contains mineral cobalt, hence it is called cobalamins. Some can be taken orally, while others can be injected if prescribed in cases of severe deficiency. Cyanocobalamins are present in vitamin B12 supplements, as well as methylcobalamin, and deoxyadenosylcobalamin.


We can buy some in pieces or in bottles that are good for a month’s use, or some bottles are good for 2-month’s use.


Common, generic version of Vitamin B12 supplements starts around $3, others have a higher cost that is above $7.


Just like any other medicine in your cabinet, it requires maintenance with every pack or bottle of Vitamin B12 supplement. It must be stored in a cool, dry place, not directly exposed to the sunlight, and should not be kept inside the fridge to freeze.
It is also not ideal to let it get soaked in water.

Buying the best Vitamin B12 Supplement

Although there are a lot of options when buying Vitamin B12 supplements, you cannot just pick one that you first set your eye on in the market. You should also look at some factors before buying your Vitamin B12 supplement.


  • Buying the best Vitamin B12 SupplementWhen you are out buying your supplement, always make sure you are purchasing a supplement and not just a fortified type of food with Vitamin B12 written on the package. It may not be the smartest move when buying the right vitamin B12 supplement. Here, you will need to compare and review what is written on the packaging.
  • Read what they write on the supplement facts as there are ingredients that you need to know about. How many servings per day, it can provide, and some suggested use as well.
  • Check if it is from an animal source, or if it is a vegan source. It is better compared to an animal-based vitamin B12 supplement. Vegan brands are also non-GMO, which is a good thing as this is organic and will not cause any allergies to those who take it. It is wise to read the labels first before you go and buy anything.
  • It is ideal to take supplements that have a methylcobalamin form instead of cyanocobalamine. This is better and faster-absorbed and has no cyanide content. Methylcobalamin form can also stay in the body longer, so it will not require you to take vitamin B12 as often.
  • Always check the dosage, some may range from 500 mcg to 5K mcg. Higher doses, if required, will be given via injection and will be advised by your doctor. The dosage will also depend on your doctor, they’ll know what is the best dosage for you.
  • See the labels again for the time of manufacture, and when it will expire, sometimes we don’t check the bottles or the box for the dates, not knowing we are already taking medicines after the expiration date.


So, you need to buy online, which is also good if you can’t go and buy it personally, but then again, make sure you know what you are buying, and you are choosing correctly.

  • Again, be sure of the dosage cause you don’t want to be buying something that has an extremely high dosage than what was prescribed to you. Your physician knows best, so ask beforehand.
  • You may consider getting a spray or a liquid form of vitamin B12 supplements, which can be absorbed faster as they don’t need to go to the usual route, which usually takes some time.
  • Your doctor should know which form would be ideal, but as many other doctors advised, the methylcobalamin form is the easier form to take and the fast absorbed type.
  • Get your supplements from a reputable store that will give you a legit pack. Review and compare the information that you can also find online. There are reviews from recent buyers there and will help you a lot to decide.
  • Make sure you are getting the newly manufactured pack instead of the old supply. Ask the seller if they have a return policy for such.

FAQ about the Best Vitamin B12 Supplement

What are the different known types of Vitamin B12 supplements?

Vitamin Code by Garden Of Life Raw Vitamin B12 Supplements

What are the different known types of Vitamin B12 supplements?Contains the active form of B12 plus the mix of vegetable and 20 fruit in it. The body uses this type of supplement better with the incorporated vegetable and fruits. Considered organic as it is manufactured by Garden of Life, which is a company that believes in using an organic and vegan-friendly formulation that is more beneficial to the body.

No Shot B12 Methylcobalamin Supplements with B6 and Folic Acid by Superior Source

With the addition of Vitamin B6 and folic acid, this is far superior to the other Vitamin B12 supplements in the market. It helps to support cardiovascular, vision, and metabolism. Tablets easily dissolve, leading to faster body absorption.

Methyl B12 by Jarrow Formula

Great product for a very affordable price. With just the right dosage for those who are just trying the B12 supplement for the first time, this type would be ideal. The manufacturer is also highly trustworthy, and you will have a high-quality product all the time.

Sublingual Liquid B12 by Global Healing Center

Easily absorbed and even used via sublingual way. For those who have issues with swallowing pills or tablets, this one is the best there is. It has a blend of adenosylcobalamin with methylcobalamin.

Methylcobalamine Vitamin B12 by Solgar

Vegetarian-friendly supplement that can give you the right formulation of Vitamin B12 that your body needs. Since it is not an animal-derived product, and it is the Methylcobalamin type, this supplement will give you what your body requires with Vitamin B12.

Methyl Cherry B12 by Lucky Vitamin

With a natural cherry flavor that would surely make the users happy with this product. It is also soy, wheat, dairy, and gluten-free and is highly safe to use, and can be absorbed easily by the body.


There are many benefits that you can get from taking vitamin B12 supplements, and there are also issues once it interacts with your other medications. As always, the right way to take any medicine or vitamins is to ask your physician so they can give you the right dosage and the right way to use it. This is doubly true when you are taking any other drugs that may interact with your vitamin B12 supplement intake.
